How I Style My Moustache: My Beard Journey
Is there such a thing as moustache envy? I know, I know we’re all thinking the same thing right? How on earth has he got such a great moustache? Well, we spoke to the main man himself. Read on to find out more about our ambassador Brett, who tells us how he keeps up with his insane tash.
Tell us a bit about yourself?
I’m Brett, 48 from Birmingham and have lived in Leicester for 20 odd years now. I’m a quality environmental health and safety manager for a packaging company.
Tell us about your beard journey, when did you start growing your beard?
For me, the tash came first. I’ve always been into vintage mid century things, anything from the 1920’s to 50’s. I’ve always loved the music, clothes, fashion and whole philosophy of it. It was when I went onto the Great Central Railway in Leicester and they were having a 20’s event. I bumped into a couple of guys that had amazing tashes and that was it, I was sold.
So have you found it to be a personal statement of your own fashion?
Yes, it very much goes with the vintage lifestyle and the clothes that we wear. My house is decorated that way and we go to mid century events, so essentially it’s part of that lifestyle.
Do you get approached by many people?
All the time! I constantly get stopped on the street! Mainly, people comment on it in bars and restaurants.
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? Do you have a morning routine?
It doesn't take me too long, I’m used to it now so probably around 10 minutes. I generally start with the tash first, as it needs the most attention. As soon as I wake up it needs reshaping, it’s just about topping up the wax and styling it into shape after I've slept on it. In terms of the beard, it’s just about shaping, applying some product and giving it a comb.
Is there anything that you’ve struggled with in terms of your beard journey?
There are definitely days when the tash does not behave itself, mainly when I've slept on it and it just wants to go its own way.
Have you ever taken your facial hair off?
Never. I look like a baby when I do!

Do you have any advice or tips for those who have never grown a tash before?
If you start growing it, in the first 6 weeks you will find it very strange and it will start to irritate you, this is when most people feel like giving up. It's definitely about patience! Keep training it in which way you want your tash to go and moving it into the shape you want. It will get there and stay like that eventually. . There is a point you have to push through, when it feels itchy and unruly but it does get better.
You’ve mentioned that you use Mo Bros Moustache Wax, what’s your favourite scent?
I prefer the woody and spiced scents.
Is there a scent that Mo Bros don’t do, that would stand out to you?
Cinnamon. Something really with a kick.
Are you proud that you take care of your tash yourself?
Yes, definitely as I've never been to a barber to do it. I’ve always shaped it and looked after it myself. You’ll find that a lot of the time it does it’s own thing, which anyone can get used to. You will get used to what it will do, won’t do and recognise when it’s having a bad day. Instead of freaking out, it’s best to just go with it.
Feel inspired yet? Well now you know how to achieve the perfect classic tash! But, most importantly to see results, take it easy and be patient. Brett will still be making appearances across our social channels so keep an eye out!